Tidying messy Excel data (tidyxl)

Well, here’s what I was dealing with:


Notice that we have 3 header rows, first with patient IDs, second with spine region, and third with variable names (A and B, to protect the innocent).


A dataset that, for each patient and each angle gives us corresponding values of A and B. So this would be a four-column data set with ID, angle, A and B.

Attempt 1 (readxl)

d1 <- readxl::read_excel('spreadsheet1.xlsx')
## # A tibble: 6 x 26
##   X__1   patient `44`   `44__1` `10`   `10__1`  `3`   `3__1` `53`  `53__1`
##   <chr>  <chr>   <chr>  <chr>   <chr>  <chr>    <chr> <chr>  <chr> <chr>  
## 1 <NA>   IDS     T5/T6  T5/T6   T5/T6  T5/T6    T5/T6 T5/T6  T5/T6 T5/T6  
## 2 angles <NA>    A      B       A      B        A     B      A     B      
## 3 60     <NA>    31.83… 1       31.52… 1        32.9… 0      31.8… 0      
## 4 65     <NA>    31.66… 1       31.33… 1        32.2… 0      32.3… 0      
## 5 70     <NA>    31.45… 1       31.09… 0.20200… 31.7… 0      32.5… 0      
## 6 75     <NA>    31.08… 1       30.96… 0.44831… 31.2… 8.641… 32.3… 1      
## # ... with 16 more variables: `2` <chr>, `2__1` <chr>, `8` <chr>,
## #   `8__1` <chr>, `6` <chr>, `6__1` <chr>, `43` <chr>, `43__1` <chr>,
## #   `48` <chr>, `48__1` <chr>, `46` <chr>, `46__1` <chr>, `4` <chr>,
## #   `4__1` <chr>, `9` <chr>, `9__1` <chr>

This strategy gives us funky column names, and pushes two of the headers into data rows. Since the headers are in rows, they’re a little harder to extract and work with.

Attempt 2 (tidyxl)

d2 <- tidyxl::xlsx_cells('spreadsheet1.xlsx')
## # A tibble: 6 x 21
##   sheet address   row   col is_blank data_type error logical numeric
##   <chr> <chr>   <int> <int> <lgl>    <chr>     <chr> <lgl>     <dbl>
## 1 T5T6  B1          1     2 FALSE    character <NA>  NA          NA 
## 2 T5T6  C1          1     3 FALSE    numeric   <NA>  NA          44.
## 3 T5T6  D1          1     4 FALSE    numeric   <NA>  NA          44.
## 4 T5T6  E1          1     5 FALSE    numeric   <NA>  NA          10.
## 5 T5T6  F1          1     6 FALSE    numeric   <NA>  NA          10.
## 6 T5T6  G1          1     7 FALSE    numeric   <NA>  NA           3.
## # ... with 12 more variables: date <dttm>, character <chr>,
## #   character_formatted <list>, formula <chr>, is_array <lgl>,
## #   formula_ref <chr>, formula_group <int>, comment <chr>, height <dbl>,
## #   width <dbl>, style_format <chr>, local_format_id <int>

THe xlsx_cells captures the data in a tidy fashion, explicitly calling out rows and columns and other metadata within each cell. We can clean up this data using tidyverse functions:

cleanData1 <- function(d) {
  angle <- d %>% filter(row >= 4, col == 1) %>% pull(numeric)
  name <- d %>% filter(row %in% c(1,3), col >= 3) %>%
    mutate(character = ifelse(is.na(character), as.character(numeric),
                              character)) %>%
    select(row, col, character) %>%
    filter(!is.na(character)) %>%
    spread(row, character) %>%
    unite(ID, `1`:`3`, sep = '_') %>%
  data <- d %>% filter(row >= 4, col >= 3) %>%
    filter(!is.na(numeric)) %>%
    select(row, col, numeric) %>%
    spread(col, numeric) %>%
    select(-row) %>%
    set_names(name) %>%
    cbind(angle) %>%
    gather(variable, value, -angle) %>%
    separate(variable, c('ID','Measure'), sep = '_') %>%
    spread(Measure, value) %>%
    select(ID, angle, A, B) %>%
    arrange(ID, angle)

##   ID angle        A        B
## 1 10    60 31.52867 1.000000
## 2 10    65 31.33477 1.000000
## 3 10    70 31.09272 0.202002
## 4 10    75 30.96078 0.448317
## 5 10    80 30.79397 0.670876
## 6 10    85 30.52185 0.461406

This is a lot of data munging, and though dplyr is powerful, it took a lot of trial and error to get the final pipeline done.

Nonetheless, I was really psyched about tidyxl, since it made a job that would have taken manual manipulation automated (I had 12 spreadsheets like this process). I was going to write a blog post on this cool package that made my life dealing with this messy Excel file a piece of cake. But wait, there’s more…

Attempt2 (tidyxl + unpivotr)

I didn’t know about unpivotr until this post:

So maybe all that complicated munging can be simplfied.

# devtools::install_github('nacnudus/unpivotr')

cleanData2 <- function(d){
  d %>% select(row, col, data_type, numeric, character) %>% 
    behead('N', ID) %>% 
    behead('N', spine) %>% 
    behead('N', variable) -> bl
  bl1 <- bl %>% filter(variable == 'angles') %>% spatter(variable) %>% 
    select(row, angles)
  bl2 <- bl %>% filter(variable %in% c('A','B')) %>% select(-spine, -col) %>% 
    spatter(ID) %>% 
    select(-character) %>% 
    gather(ID, value, -row, -variable) %>% 
    spread(variable, value)
  final <- bl1 %>% left_join(bl2) %>% arrange(ID, angles) %>% select(ID, everything(),-row)

## # A tibble: 588 x 4
##    ID    angles     A     B
##    <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 10       60.  31.5 1.00 
##  2 10       65.  31.3 1.00 
##  3 10       70.  31.1 0.202
##  4 10       75.  31.0 0.448
##  5 10       80.  30.8 0.671
##  6 10       85.  30.5 0.461
##  7 10       90.  30.3 0.245
##  8 10       95.  30.0 0.159
##  9 10      100.  29.7 0.170
## 10 10      105.  29.2 0.421
## # ... with 578 more rows
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