Practical Data Science Cookbook

Practical Data Science Cookbook

Book cover

My friends Sean Murphy, Ben Bengfort, Tony Ojeda and I recently published a book, Practical Data Science Cookbook. All of us are heavily involved in developing the data community in the Washington DC metro area, serving on the Board of Directors of Data Community DC. Sean and Ben co-organize the meetup Data Innovation DC and I co-organize the meetup Statistical Programming DC.

Our intention in writing this book is to provide the data practitioner some guidance about how to navigate the data science pipeline, from data acquisition to final reports and data applications. We chose the languages R and Python to demonstrate our recipes since they are by far the most popular open-source languages for data science, with large ecosystems of mature data-related packages and active contributors. We selected several domains to demonstrate what we feel are interesting use cases that will have broad interest.

You can buy the book either in print form or as a DRM-free e-book from Packt, the publisher, or O’Reilly. Print and e-book versions are also available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble. We hope you will find this book useful for your data science work and understanding.

**Nov 10, 2014:** Until 2AM tonight EST, the book is O'Reilly's E-book Deal of the Day. Use the discount code **DEAL** to get 50% off the regular price.


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