A new data-centric incubator project in DC

District Data Labs is a new endeavor by members of the local data community (myself included) to increase educational outreach about data-related topics through workshops and other media to the local data community.

We want District Data Labs to be an efficient learning resource for people who want to enhance and expand their analytical and technical skill sets. Whether you are a statistician who wants to learn more about programming and creating useful data products or a software engineer that wants to learn how to properly analyze data and use statistical methods to improve the basic analyses you're doing, we want to equip you with the right skills to better yourself and advance your career.

DDL has recently run several PyData workshops, and one on using Python for creating Data Apps is forthcoming.

DDL just announced a new initiative to bring the data community closer – a Data Science Project Incubator where like-minded people can collaborate and develop data-centric projects under the umbrella of DDL. You can find out more details bout this new initiative here.

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