The default location for the deployed files is in `here::here('docs')`, i.e the docs folder. The assumption is that the website is deployed on GitHub Pages, where the pages are in the docs folder rather than in the gh-pages branch. This can be set in the settings of the GitHub repository
process(drake_source = here::here("_drake.R"), plan = full_plan, lock_environment = TRUE)
drake_source | The location of the file containing the drake plan that creates all the deployable web files. Default value is `_drake.R` in the top folder of the project, i.e. `here::here('_drake.R')`. |
plan | Name of the drake plan. Defaults to `full_plan` as in the default `_drake.R` template |
lock_environment | A logical designating whether we should lock the environment when using `make(plan)`. See the Self-invalidation section of the `drake::make` documentation. |
Several files are created that comprise the deployable website, with xaringan presentations in HTML, PDF and raw Rmd, course notes as a gitbook-formatted bookdown web document and PDF, homeworks as HTML pages and R Markdown, and a top-level website with information about the course.
# process() # Uses default values